Reci's Final fantasy Collection
Final Fantasy VII
maison :)
Final fantasy Card Sets
Final Fantasy Figures-Statues
Final Fantasy Keyrings
Anime Card Sets
Comics card Sets
Collecting Card Games
Non-FF Keyrings


This is where it all started! I think that FFVII is the best RPG ever made! Once I finished the game I couldn't helped it, I needed more! And I guess now I do have a bit more :p!
Throughtout my browsing I find the Bandai Extra Soldier action figures and Kotobukiya statues (Character and Diurama). I guess I should also mentioned the Cloud and Sephiroth Kubrick, althou technically these are Kingdom of Hearts figures.
These are the only FFVII officiel figures and statues that I am aware of. I saw on ebay some other statues (Red XIII, Barett and others) but I do not beleive these are officiel products. I aslo saw some materia
stones, although these looks trully cool, these are not officiel products either. At least I do not think so...

Bandai Extra Knights

There are six 5'' actions figures (Cloud, Aerith, Tifa, Barett, Red XIII and Sephiroth) and all exist as american and Japanese version. As far as I know the only differences are due to some variations in the color (the air of Cloud are yellow in the Japanese version and more orange in the US for exemple). You can easily recognize the US version by the Hazard Warning on the top rigth corner of the card. Some people also says that the Japanese figure are of better quality than the US, but I cannot say it is the case... On the other hand, a  box-set containing Cloud, Aerith, Tifa, Barett, a chocobo and a frog was also released, and there I would say that these are of lower quality. Nevertheless even these look very cool!! On the picture you can see the box, Vicent and Red XIII japanese version and Sephiroth US version.
(I have them all)


Kotobukiya Statue

As for the Kotobukiya statues, there are 8 different: Cloud, Aerith, Tifa, Sephiroth, Cloud on the Daytona, The Highwind, Vincent and a second version of Tifa... And these are trully great!!! Just have a look at the scan!! The character statues are 1/6 scale (which make them about 9-10'' high), but I dont know for the Highwind scale. These are expensive thou... I saw the Sephiroth statue selling for more than $450 and not to mention the Highwind... over $1500. These statues have all been released in limited numbers: 5000 for the single characters statues, and I believe 500 to 1000 for the others... which is not much and probably explain the price... All these statues come with a card and an officiel number which is also dispayed on the basis of the statue. On the picture you can see all statues I know of, exept Cloud standing.
(I need Cloud on Daytona, Vincent and the Highwind. I do not have the second version of Tifa but I do not realy care for it... maybe if do not know what to buy anymore :P)


Kotobukiya Cold Cast

Finaly, I am aware of two cold cast diarama, also made by Kotobukiya. I am not sure for the fighting scene but the other scene is about 4'' high.These are also quite amazing! There again only a limited number of these diurama exists, I am not sure how many thou...
(Need them both)



Well not much to say about these... there are Kubrick figures, about 2'' and look like lego figures. There are quite rare and therefore expensive... There were released with the other Squaresoft game "Kingdom of Hearts".
(Need them both)
