Reci's Final fantasy Collection
maison :)
Final fantasy Card Sets
Final Fantasy Figures-Statues
Final Fantasy Keyrings
Anime Card Sets
Comics card Sets
Collecting Card Games
Non-FF Keyrings

Welcome to my collection web page!

In this page you will find all the stuff that I have been collecting for the past couple of years. The page is mostly here to help me organized my collection, but also to complete it! You will find both the stuff that I have for trade, but also what I would like (could say need ;) ) to aquire! Do not hesitate to contact me!

I mostly collect Final Fantasy related items as CardsFigures and Keyrings. But I do have some other stuff, including Anime trading cards, a few Comics trading cards and some other stuff (Action Figures and Non-FF Keyrings). Have a quick look at part of my collection (the other half is still in boxes...).


I also collect Collecting cards game (CCG), including MTG, Guardians, Middle Earth, Dark Ages, Pokemon, Harry Potter, and Guildes.

I do prefer to trade, but in some rare cases (MTG cards for example) I will consider selling, so once again do not hesitate to ask! If we make a deal and this is the first time we trade, I will ask you to send your part of the deal first, no exeption!! If the trade goes well I will agree on a simultaneous shipping for futur deals.

My web page is always getting closer to be finished, but as new stuff comes all the time, I guess it will never be!! Never the less in order to be able to put all the pictures on this web site I need help from a lot of people. I do borrow quite alot of pictures from other people on the net and most of the time with their agreement (I ALWAYS ask but if I dont get any answer I take it as a yes...). As for you who would like to take some pictures from this site I do not mind at one condition: you ask me first!!! A lots of these pictures have required quite some work from me or others and the least is to ask for a permition to use them rather than just stealing them!!! I hope this is clear!!
And if you see a dead link somewhere that I may have missed, I would apreciate if you could let me know!
I guess, since I use names and pictures of official product I should write something about trademarks and stuff... well, the simplier is that every picture that anybody legaly recognize as his, is his... I guess that covers it...
I hope you will enjoy these pages and we will deal together.

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